Dienstag, 17. Januar 2017




Today, the White House announced another group of over 200 commutations approved by the President. That list has NOT been posted, as yet. Further, in its announcement, the White House did NOT say these are the last commutations to be issued. As of last Friday, Leonard's name was NOT on the list of commutations denied by President Obama.
So don't stop. Keep advocating for Leonard Peltier! The President has until noon on January 20 to free Leonard. Turn up the heat!

The White House Comment Line has been closed. You can still advocate for Leonard Peltier. Email President Obama: https:/www.whitehouse.gov/contact; post a comment on Obama's Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/potus/ or message him at https://www.facebook.com/whitehouse (or https://m.me/whitehouse); and send a tweet to President Obama: @POTUS, @WhiteHouse and @BarackObama.

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